Art, Books, and Videos by I-Hsiung Ju


First Edition, 2014. Published by the Art Farm Gallery with The Beard Arts Center, Indiana Wesleyan University, USA, 80 pages. 11 oz. Paperback with front and back cover flaps. Library of Congress Control Number: 2014911083, ISBN 978-0-9611726-7-1, $30.00 each.

This bilingual book is 10.25 x 7.5 . It features traditional and modern Chinese brush paintings and calligraphy made by Prof. I-Hsiung Ju during the years he spent in the United States. It includes his last two major works, the monumental multi-panel landscape paintings of the Yangtze River and Huangshan Mountains, which were part of the exhibition at the Beard Arts Center Gallery at Indiana Wesleyan University in September, 2013.


Fourth Edition, 1997, 120 pages. 5.25 oz. Paperback. Library of Congress catalog card no. 82-70338, ISBN 0-9611726-0-6. (Out of Print, available as ebook from sellers on the internet)

This instructional book for Chinese brush painting on bamboo includes an introductory of appreciation of Chinese calligraphy and painting, and the equipment and supplies, the basic exercise on painting bamboo trunks, branches, and leaves, and the basic composition of a bamboo painting. Illustration and instruction work together side by side for general readers as well as painting students.

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